- If you sign up for an event, show up! If you won’t be able to make it, remove your RSVP on the event as soon as possible so that your spot may be filled.
- Be kind and keep it positive! This site is about locals building up the community here, and excess negativity will disrupt that.
- Don’t overextend yourself– there are lots of exciting volunteer opportunities, but taking on too many at once can affect your ability to help!
- Remember that we’re all humans here– plans can and will go sideways, so try to be understanding when they do.
- Please only request as many volunteers as you’ll use- it’s discouraging for people to set aside time to help, only to not be needed once there.
- Only remove comments from posts that are unrelated, political in nature, or hateful in any way.
- Try not to “compete” with other organizations- overlapping events may reduce turnout to both, and over-posting about a single event could bury one from a smaller organization. This space should be supportive of all community builders!
- Please be as clear as possible about the needs for your event- what will be provided, what individuals should bring (i.e special clothing items or bug spray), what the physical demands are, and whether there are age and/or prior training requirements.