Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of Rockbridger?
Rockbridger aims to better connect Nonprofits in Rockbridge with individuals living here. By functioning as a positive community hub, it seeks to increase volunteering, awareness of the resources available here, and communication between organizations and individuals.
Who can use Rockbridger?
Anyone can view the site and attached community calendar. Individuals who make an account with their email and name may comment on posts and sign up for events. We ask that only those 18 and older sign up for accounts, as not every event will allow minors to volunteer.
What does the mailbox icon mean?
The mailbox icon on posts brings up a prompt box to message the organization which made the post. Users will have the option to do so anonymously, if they wish. After the message is sent, all record of it and any responses will be routed through email. Individuals will only be able to contact organizations, not other users of the site.
What does the symbol next to an organization’s name mean?
These symbols are designed to communicate the type of organization making a post or event- distinguishing between nonprofits, churches, businesses, and individuals.
What does the symbol in the top right corner of posts mean?
These symbols denote the type of post being made. The megaphone is for upcoming events, and the clock is for events which have already passed. The exclamation point is for special case urgent help requests- these posts are for pressing needs only, and are more selective as a result.
How can I gain access to post pictures of past events?
This access can be granted by taking a short quiz on this site, entering the email which is associated with your account before taking it. This ensures that users with posting access know the guidelines before doing so, and inappropriate use of this access will lead to the privilege being revoked. In more severe instances, the user may be banned.
Can individuals create events?
In short, no. However, if individuals seek to organize community events with a local nonprofit or church, those events may then be posted to the site via the associated organization’s account.

Etiquette Guidelines
Our etiquette guidelines provide clear and concise rules for both individuals and organizations to ensure a positive and respectful online community experience. Learn how to engage with others in a friendly and constructive manner.
Rockbridger Guide
Discover how to navigate and maximize the potential of Rockbridger with our comprehensive user guide. From creating posts to engaging with the community, weʼve got you covered with step-by-step instructions for seamless site navigation.

Access Quiz
Take the Access Quiz to demonstrate your understanding of our community guidelines and Rockbridger usage. Upon successful completion, gain user access to share and celebrate local events with our vibrant community.